Crosswire 8.1.0 Released
We are pleased to announce the release of Crosswire 8.1.0, containing the following new features: Please refer to the product release notes for further details.
We are pleased to announce the release of Crosswire 8.1.0, containing the following new features: Please refer to the product release notes for further details.
Welcome to our updated and refreshed web site! We hope the modern look and responsive design makes it easier for you to navigate and use the site while on the move. If you require access to restricted content or have difficulty finding the information you are looking for, please reach out to us via the […]
Xworks are pleased to announce the appointment of Logic Wireless as distributor for our range of radio dispatch solutions within New Zealand, Australia and the Pacific Islands region. The new partnership with Logic Wireless will offer improved distribution services, plus pre and post sales support for the complete range of Xworks RoIP products. For contact […]
Xworks once again received top honours at the annual IPENZ awards dinner held in Wellington last night. In a joint submission with New Zealand Railways Corporation (KiwiRail) the ORC400 RoIP gateway was awarded first place in the information and communication technology section. Described by judges as “well-engineered, well-built and well-documented”, the ORC400 is a rugged, […]
ONTRACK, the Government organisation responsible for managing New Zealand’s rail network, owns and operates a nationwide radio system to facilitate safe movement of trains and track workers around the country. The system, which was installed in the early 1980’s, has had no major upgrades and consists of 148 hilltop and tunnel VHF repeaters, interlinked by […]
Xworks were elated to receive top honours at the annual IPENZ awards dinner held at Te Papa in Wellington last night. In a joint submission with New Zealand Railways Corporation (ONTRACK) the KMC mobile radio controller was awarded first place in the information and communication technology section. Described by judges as “an excellent example of […]